Where to start? The best way is to just start! Writing takes some effort, yes, and time; yet it is a very rewarding experience.
Consider any of the following:
-write alone in a relaxed setting of your choice.
-prepare: a journal or notebook paper; pen/pencil
-'prompt' yourself:
-write within a nature setting
-select a favorite photo
-'muse' on an object or special memento
Music inspires the memories and creativity to surface.
You might also consider:
-joining a writer's group
-a journal workshop
-a brief writing exercise during a retreat
One of many excellent opportunities for learning about poetry and writing is the renown Voices de la Luna. https://voicesdelaluna.org
Check out other virtual/online groups.
Music for Inspiration:
Write Your Story by Francesca Batistelli Lyrics
Q: What is the best way to start writing?
R: First, find a space that is comfortable for you. Just grab a pen or pencil and start putting marks on the paper. Words, phrases, or sentences...just write what surfaces from the depths of your spirit. Do not let fear enter your thoughts, nor intimidate the flow of your words. Worry not about creating 'the great American novel'. It's the simple process of getting words onto paper that is paramount.
Q: Should I write alone?
R: You can write alone or in a group. Alone, you choose a time and place that is quiet and comfortable. You decide when to start and when to stop. You are the only person to see what you write.
Q: What is the benefit of joining a group?
R: A writing group offers support, ideas, and feedback. However, you do not have to share if you prefer not to do so. Each group has its own guidelines.
Q: What other benefits does joining a group bring to me?
R: It's a great way to socialize and network, too!